Welcome to
We pastorally support Christian men and women who experience attraction to the same sex and/or gender incongruence, or their friends and family.
We also encourage and equip the church in this.
We have a growing library of short and long form resources to help us think pastorally about sexuality and gender.
Living Faith is an organisation of the Sydney Anglican Church. We serve Christians as they seek to express their sexuality and gender in accordance with the historic Christian faith.
We love to hear from you. Get in touch with us here to ask about pastoral support, or training at your church or organisation.
We are funded by the generous support of individuals and churches.
We need your support
The need for the ministry of Living Faith is growing. We are only able to employ our two ministry workers through your gospel generosity. All our funds come through individual donations and the benevolence of some churches.
Please consider supporting this ministry with a regular monthly pledge. Scroll down and complete the form below to give by direct debit or click here to give by credit card.